
v.(使)人口减少( depopulate的过去式和过去分词 )
depopulated 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- The landscape has a depopulated and dreamlike air .
- 这儿的风景有人烟稀少、如梦如幻的味道。
- The epidemic depopulated the countryside .
- 瘟疫使乡下变得荒无人烟。
- When she is missing , it seems the whole world is suddenly depopulated .
- 她如果不在,就像世界突然变得空无一人。
- The low german from the large number of flemish the normans had first hired as mercenaries and then used to settle those parts of the country they had harried and depopulated .
- 低地德语来自于大量的法兰德斯人,诺曼人首先雇佣他们做雇佣兵,后来他们往往定居在了该国被他们侵扰过的、人口减少的地区。
- They were the world and life itselfwhile hong kong was like a depopulated tropical island neatly laid out for somesort of project .
- 他们自身便是世俗与生活,而香港则像是人烟稀少的热带岛屿,纯粹地为了某个工程而腾出的一块地。
- Whole stretches of land were laid waste and depopulated .
- 一片片土地荒芜,人口减少。
- Already the landscape has a depopulated and dreamlike air .
- 此处景色已呈现人烟渺稀、物影朦胧的样子。
- Japan needs to redraw the electoral map after the election , in order to avoid a constitutional crisis related to voting disparities between heavily populated and depopulated areas .
- 日本需要在大选结束之后重新描画选举地图,以避免发生因在人口稠秘密区和人口稀少地区的投票差距而产生的制宪危机。