
Dennis 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- That 's only true if you read the bible literally , says dennis venema at trinity western university .
- 如果你是字面上地理解圣经的话,这是对的,西三一大学的dennisvenema说。
- Chelsea football club will be staging a star-studded match next month featuring former greats gianfranco zola and dennis wise .
- 下个月,切尔西将举行一场明星云集的比赛,之前球队的伟大球星佐拉和丹尼.
- Business class dennis is brilliant !
- 丹尼斯真的是很聪明!
- Some of the dog 's decorative furnishings are carvings by dennis & frances .
- 一些狗狗的装饰陈设是由丹尼斯与弗朗西斯雕刻的。
- In a recent behind the shell video with carson daly , ceo dennis crowley promised to make this a part of foursquare .
- 在最近一期behindtheshell视频中和carsondaly进行访谈的首席执行官denniscrowley承诺将在foursquare中加入这一功能。
- Commission chairman dennis shea voiced hope in a statement that the new report would help the congress in its current deliberations over cybersecurity legislation to protect u.s. networks .
- 委员会主席dennisshea在一份声明中,希望这份报告会对国会旨在保护美国网络的网络安全立法的当前的研究提供帮助。
- Also relevant here is the annual threat assessment of the us intelligence community unveiled last week by admiral dennis blair .
- 与此相应的还有美国海军上将丹尼斯布莱尔(admiraldennisblair)上周公布的美国情报界年度威胁评估。
- Dennis slate , usda national rabies management coordinator , organizes efforts to monitor rabies and introduce vaccines to wild populations .
- 美国农业部国家狂犬病管理协调员丹尼斯斯朗特(dennisslate)正努力通过给野生动物进行免疫来控制狂犬病。
- Dennis 's suspicions of his wife smacked of midlife crisis .
- 丹尼斯对妻子的怀疑带点中年危机的味道。
- As she fitted the collar of an effete civilization on my nineteenth century neck , I put the same question I had given to dennis .
- 当时,她正在把那个象征衰落文明的衣领修剪来适配我这个十九世纪的脖子,我向她提出了和问丹尼丝时一样的问题。