
v.使退役( decommission的过去式和过去分词 )
decommissioned 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Indeed , britain has recently decommissioned its sole carrier because of budget pressures .
- 实际上,英国由于财政预算压力,最近已经让唯一的一艘航母退役了。
- And once wells are decommissioned , they leave hardly any trace at all .
- 而且页岩井被废弃使用后,他们几乎不会在地表留下任何痕迹。
- The site is now being decommissioned at a cost of 2.6bn , with aim of finishing by 2032 .
- 该地点目前处于退役状态,花费了26亿英镑,目标定于2032年结束。
- The power house component of the complex , designated as a landmark by the national historic register , provided coal-fired steam heat to a dozen downtown buildings but was decommissioned by the city in 1980 .
- 能源大楼为城市里的若干建筑提供煤热气,后被历史地点国家注册处划为地标性建筑,最终于1980年被废弃。
- The airplanes shown in the image were decommissioned before the flood .
- 在画面中的飞机在洪水来临之前已经停止使用。
- The ira and its weapons have been decommissioned .
- 爱尔兰共和军及其武器已经被解除。
- Many platforms are reaching the end of their operational lives , and are starting to be decommissioned .
- 许多的钻井平台已经达到了它们的使用年限,并且将会被逐渐被淘汰掉。
- Ma qiang , a decommissioned soldier living across the street , described a sickening scene .
- 住在街对面的退伍军人马强为我们描述了一幅惨不忍睹的图景。
- You 're scheduled to be decommissioned at the end of this diagnostic .
- 在这个诊断之后,你会被销毁。
- That line 's been decommissioned . I 'm trying , okay ?
- 那个号码被注销了我在试呢好不?