
decoders 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Design and implementation of gbps turbo decoders .
- gbps高速涡轮码之设计与实现。
- Decoders for burglar alarm system , car door controllers and etc.
- 用于防盗报警系统解码器,汽车门控制器等。
- Encoders and decoders are built-in .
- 编码器和解码器是内置的。
- Unfortunately , the majority of websites that rely on flash still use older video decoders that cannot work with today 's mobile chips .
- 可惜,大多基于flash的网站仍用着老版本的视频解码器,与如今的移动芯片并不兼容。
- As fast company reports it , oppenheim 's system for visually decoding the nuances of internet privacy might require , well , its own set of visual decoders .
- 快递公司报告指出,奥本海姆的用于视觉解码网络隐私的细微差别的系统可能会需要他自己的一组视觉解码器。