英音  ['dæmpənɪŋ]    
美音 ['dæmpənɪŋ]    


v.使湿( dampen的现在分词 );抑制;控制;减弱(感情、反应等)

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But the tactic 's chief benefit may lie in dampening the support of republican cadres for their party .
But lower returns and a still-soft economy also has the effect of dampening interest from consumers , who appear keener to squirrel away money into savings products when they feel rich .
And many initiatives would have the effect of dampening lending growth and so will not be implemented while economies are weak .
Business spending was also weaker and the global growth slowdown was " dampening the prospects for us exports " .
But setting an arbitrary deadline of early 2008 for most of the soldiers to depart risks weakening america 's bargaining power , intensifying instead of dampening the fighting and projecting an image of weakness that will embolden enemies everywhere .
The homebuilding industry shrank again , but at a slower rate than in previous quarters , and the dampening effect on the economy was partly offset by a big increase in the construction of commercial buildings .
The " egalitarian " japan was a creature of the 1970s , with its progressive taxation , redistribution of wealth , subsidies and the dampening of competition through regulation .
As a result , the feed-in tariff has been reduced , and will be reduced again this summer , dampening demand and favouring low-cost producers .
Taking the punchbowl in this way may have the beneficial effect of dampening the boom but , in any case , the system would be in a better position to absorb the bust without systemic distress .
Oil smoothes the surface of the water , dampening small waves and ripples .