A public-sector job is usually a cushy way to ride out a recession .
Military regimes in latin america ( except chile ) had poor economic records ; they saw the state as a source of cushy jobs for officers and subsidies for arms factories .
That rate is similar to the rate in the rest of the bird world , even including those birds that have cushy nests and never fight near their eggs .
Deposit rates are capped by the government about 3 percentage points below lending rates , giving banks cushy , guaranteed margins .
On the other side of this , people will learn that the days of the cushy lifetime corporate job with a pension are long gone .
The young workers I spoke to agreed that the past few years had been a cushy time for them .
All in all , it was a pretty cushy assignment : the dogs stayed in 5-star hotels and rode in vehicles tailored to their comfort and safety .
When confronted with the erratic performance of the equity market , many people start daydreaming of gold-plated corporate pensions , cushy civil-service jobs , or at least their social security benefits .
If you are good at reading the hidden desires and proclivities of your population , you win elections and thus ensure you and your party thousands of cushy jobs and all the associated trappings of power .