英音  ['kʌlprɪts]    
美音 ['kʌlprɪts]    


n.犯过错者( culprit的名词复数 );罪犯;肇事者;引起问题的事物

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Biases are visible across countries and cultures : for the same offence , male culprits get harsher sentences than women .
It is like having the power to sentence culprits but leaving it up to them whether they actually go to prison .
He was among the western culprits accused by the kremlin of inciting ukraine 's 2004 orange revolution ; his foundation 's offices have been raided in russia and he was forced to close them down in authoritarian uzbekistan .
Long thought too indulgent of parliament 's expenses culture , he reacted to the revelations by berating mps who upheld publication of the leaked information rather than the culprits it revealed .
Hostility to high earnings in the financial sector has greatly increased during past few years because of the role of banks and other financial institutions ( along with governments and other culprits ) in generating the financial crisis that so damaged the world economy .
Although the identity of the culprits remains a mystery , sony has suggested that the break-in might be a retaliatory act from the hacker community for the company 's dogged pursuit of hotz .
It would require the treasury to identify seriously undervalued currencies , and then , if the culprits do not take action , would allow american firms to ask for protective anti-dumping duties .
After dutiful condemnations of the violence , an old , sterile division has come to dominate it : between those who want to be nasty to the culprits and others who want to be nice .
And while culprits like golf clubs and developers trade recriminations , over 400 coastal sites have become dead zones , areas depleted of oxygen , unable to sustain life .
At one point conservative mp and exmoor society vice-president ian liddell-grainger waded into the fray , demanding action to find the culprits and declaring himself ' bloody furious ' .