
v.使结晶( crystallize的第三人称单数 );计划成型,具体化
crystallizes 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- The final chapter crystallizes all the main issues .
- 最后一章澄清了所有的主要问题。
- Planning management is an important means to control the program implementation process , which both crystallizes the objective and becomes the basis for tracking and evaluating the process .
- 计划管理是对项目组合的实施过程进行控制的一个重要手段,既明确了目标,有成为过程跟踪评价的依据。
- This episode crystallizes the irony that although american men tend to talk more than women in public situations they often talk less at home .
- 这段插曲形象地表现了一种具有讽刺意味的现象:美国男人在公开场合非常健谈,但在家里他们说话却很少。
- Whether to hold back the river or let it flood is a longstanding issue on the mississippi - one that crystallizes each spring in the city of davenport , iowa .
- 这个春季,百年不遇的洪水淹没了美国最大的商业水道密西西比河沿岸许多城市。
- The project assignment crystallizes the node development plans . These nodes are critical to realize the program objective and enterprise objective , which are major concerns of pmo and are key basis for evaluating the project performance .
- 项目任务书中明确了开发节点计划,这些节点都是影响到项目组合目标和企业目标实现的关键性节点,是项目管理中心关注的重点,也是对项目绩效评价的重要依据。
- Mathematics and technology together produce phenomena ...... these efforts of mathematization are so successful that reality crystallizes along the axes provided by human thought , and new phenomena are produced .
- 数学与科技共同产生现象……这些数学化之努力是如此成功,致使实在得沿著人性思维所刻划的斧凿来具体化,新的现象就此产生。
- A mineral composed essentially of carbon that crystallizes in the " cubic , " or " isometric , " crystal system and is therefore singly refractive .
- 矿物组成主要是碳晶体"立方"、"等距"水晶折射系统,因此单.
- There 's a pattern in our industry , apple crystallizes the product , and the minute apple crystallizes it , then everyone knows how to compete . "
- “我们这一行有个规律,苹果使产品成型,而一旦产品成型,各路厂商就都知道怎么抢生意了。”
- What is that the gallbladder wall sterol crystallizes .
- 什么是胆囊壁固醇结晶。
- The salt crystallizes as the water evaporates .
- 盐在水分蒸发时结晶。