
n.无能力的,不称职的,不胜任的( incompetent的名词复数 )
incompetents 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- The country 's being governed by a bunch of incompetents who have no idea what they 're doing .
- 这个国家正被一群不知自己在干什么的、无能的人管理着。
- The greeks talk about putting incompetents " in the fridge " - giving them pretend jobs .
- 希腊人说,把这些人扔到冰箱里,意思是让他们挂职算了。
- Capacity-to-contract issues generally involve minors , mental incompetents , intoxicated persons and drug addicts .
- 缔约能力问题通常包括未成年人,精神不健全人,醉酒者及药瘾者。
- A commentary piece published this week by the xinhua news agency said that those us lawmakers proposing legislation linked to the renminbi were " baby-kissing " incompetents " poisoning the atmosphere " .
- 新华社本周发表一篇评论称,提交人民币相关法案的美国议员只不过是“哗众取宠的”无能之辈,“毒化气氛”。
- But when a nation starts to think it enjoys the mandate of heaven and becomes convinced that it cannot fail or be led astray by scoundrels or incompetents , then reality is likely to deliver a swift rebuke .
- 不过当一个民族开始认为自己享有来自天堂的授权,并确信自己不会失败,或是不会被恶棍或无能之辈领导时,现实很可能会给他们一记重创。
- Than those incompetents who failed to cover yours .
- 而不是那些没有帮你做好掩护的废物。
- He looked upon them as incompetents .
- 他认为他们不胜任。
- Incompetents invariably make trouble for people other than themselves .
- 能力不足的人总是给自己以外的人带来麻烦.
- Eg. idiots and other incompetents need someone to look after them .
- 白痴和其他弱智者需人照料他们。