

cradling 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Her hand was always there like she was cradling the unborn child .
- 她的手总是有喜欢抱着她未出生的孩子。
- They were cradling school books close to their chests as they walked .
- 他们抱着课本接近他们的胸前,因为他们走了。
- Nice cradling . You play lacrosse ?
- 不错的兜网啊你打印地安曲棍球吗?
- The mother cradling the baby , building nest of bamboo .
- 熊猫妈妈怀抱着小宝宝,用竹子搭窝。
- A mother , in her den , cradling her newborn panda baby .
- 母亲在照料这只无助的小宝宝时会在。
- Cradling is a basic skill . Use centrifugal force .
- 摇晃是基本技巧,利用离心力。
- Is probably sitting by , cradling a hunk of plaster .
- 大概正在那用大块石膏灰泥板砌墙。
- Cradling a telephone handset on the shoulder should be avoided , especially while typing .
- 应避免用肩部夹住电话听筒接电话,尤其是在打字的时候。
- She was just like , you know , cradling me and rocking me back and forth .
- 就好像,你知道的,来回摇着我。
- He smiled with effort , and cradling the book , he seated himself .
- 他努力地作出了个笑容,抱起大书坐了下来。