A hole in a corroded pipe can cause not only an unscheduled shutdown , costing millions of dollars , but also a grave risk to life , limb and the environment .
The ability of households to service their high debts is corroded by high unemployment rates and sluggish income growth .
After a brief examination , the dentist exclaims , " holy smoke ! That plate I installed in your mouth about six months ago has nearly completely corroded ! What on earth have you been eating ? "
First , an emphasis on infrastructure means that , even if deals are corroded by corruption , at least the recipient country ends up with a road , port or hospital .
It wandered through the sky naked , corroded , and gray , more and more alien to the world down here , a hangover from a way of being that was now outdated .
It is this neglect that has corroded the state 's capacity to moderate inequalities , manage social conflict and enforce fair governance .
In the name of fighting corruption at home , the polish authorities corroded independent institutions , undermined the rule of law and misused the intelligence services .
That meant defending a government corroded by corruption and mired in the fallout from a dirty war against the basque separatists eta .