

n.外形,轮廓( contour的名词复数 );地图上表示相同海拔各点的)等高线

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Captain meadows is interested in phrenology too-a pseudoscience much in vogue at the time-but unlike lord batterstone , he does not believe a man 's fate is written in the contours of his skull .
Assuming the situation at the fukushima dai-ichi plant stabilises , the contours of the economic impact of the tsunami itself can already be discerned .
Convenient as it is to paint a geopolitical landscape in which the interests of rising nations are in symmetrical collision with those of the west , the new order is more likely to have irregular and overlapping contours .
It was dusk : the contrasts of the colors were fading into a vibrant chiaroscuro ; the lunar fields and woods were now just barely visible contours on the taut surface of the shining globe .
Although " more complex in theory " this system might be simpler to use in practice because it would more closely reflect the " contours of creative life . "
New york 's flood evacuation zones reveal the contours of the city 's shoreline.image courtesy of
Conventional x-ray techniques give a colorless , partial view of the hidden painting and only show vague contours of a person behind ' patch of grass ' , the university said .
That print , which features snow leopard fur , erupting volcanoes , roses and psychedelic patterns , looked strange confined to the contours of a wine bottle .
Rather than the bill itself , it will be this process -- accompanied by a lobbying blitz from banks -- that will determine the precise contours of this new landscape , how strict the new regulations will be and whether they succeed in their purpose .
Bluefin tuna ( shown ) and river trout may be known for their sleek contours , but why these animals evolved their unique shapes , including their pointed snouts and tapered tails , has been a mystery .