

n.契约( contract的名词复数 );婚约;[法律]契约法;行贿

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So-called " relational contracts " are no longer worth the paper they are not written on .
France does not legally recognize gay marriage , but in 1999 it created civil contracts for couples who live together regardless of sexual orientation .
Derivatives exchanges grew up offering contracts for the future delivery of commodities that were often produced , imported or widely traded nearby .
That contracts based on the price of some commodity or asset have been around for about as long as mankind has been trading indicates that they are pretty useful .
Japanese cell phone contracts are long-term ( 2 years standard , almost no pre-paid ) and expensive to terminate
Indeed , post-tsunami reconstruction , they think , is a way to dole out public-works contracts , just as in the old days .
For problems cast as social contracts or as questions of risk avoidance , by contrast , non-psychopaths got it right about 70 % of the time .
Christine lagarde , the french finance minister , has suggested that the " validity " of these contracts should be looked at .
For most of the post-war period an important element of austrian politics has been the proporz , a form of " jobs for the boys " in which posts and contracts in the public sector and state-owned industry were divvied up among supporters of the two big parties .
Any laws , regulations , or contracts that protect these pedagogical malefactors must be eliminated so that they can be quickly removed without regard to experience , seniority , or due process .