Don 't read the hot story just because it will contaminate your mind .
What I do suggest is a philosophy : do not allow the banking industry to create a combustible mix that will contaminate america 's central banking system .
Gas exploration could bring in badly needed jobs and money , but opponents worry that fracking may contaminate the drinking water .
Assume that raw chicken and other meat have salmonella and don 't allow them to contaminate surfaces and other foods , such as produce .
Your hands can spread bacteria and contaminate the pump and the milk .
In addition , many of the mines contaminate local water supplies and produce unhealthy , smog-inducing dust in great quantities .
Second , n-solv determined that even small amounts of methane-a by-product of using a solvent-could contaminate the propane and degrade its performance .
The lake vostok project was delayed for years over concerns that drilling might contaminate the water with organisms from the surface .
And just so we 're clear , infected meat from just one cow can contaminate up to 16 tons of beef !
A rise in hyperthyroidism in cats also has been linked to brominated flame retardants , which are used in upholstery and electronics and contaminate dust and canned cat foods .