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n.传染( contagion的名词复数 );接触传染;道德败坏;歪风

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Scientists have delighted to show that so-called rational choice is shaped by a whole range of subconscious influences , like emotional contagions and priming effects ( people who think of a professor before taking a test do better than people who think of a criminal ) .
Little wonder that europeans are losing faith in the ability of their politicians to sort these continental contagions out , and are turning instead to " patriotic " alternatives , homespun attempts to erect national firewalls .
We live in a world in which trillions of dollars can move instantly , but they are in the hands of human beings who are , by nature , limited in knowledge , and subject to self-deceptions and social contagions .
While the country has been able to maintain its stability thanks to low costs of borrowing-japan is still an important player in the global economy-financial contagions have a way of spreading .
With every bank 's immunity to losses weakened , contagions were more likely to break out .
Abstract influenza , called flu for short , is an acute , contagious disease caused by a filtrable virus . It is very useful to study the disease itself and other contagions .
The essence of teaching is to make learning contagions and to have one idea spark another .
They have amputated those things that can 't be contained in models , like emotional contagions , cultural particularities and webs of relationships .