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v.限制( confine的第三人称单数 );局限于;禁闭;管制
所属分类: CET4TEM4

confines 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释

Webmin really makes it easy to perform system administration from the cozy confines of your web browser .
Goals other than the best deals are less easily achieved within the confines of a single nation .
The aim is not only to accommodate the tighter confines of the city , but also to improve the viewer experience and quality of television coverage .
But that task is often subsumed within a second dimension that extends beyond the confines of palestine and engages american interests more directly .
Creative decisions quite literally shape a physical space , defining the way in which people move through its confines for decades or even centuries .
The platform will conduct experiments designed to work outside the protective confines of the space station .
Within the confines of that giant yet access-restricted network , the music-software engineer from san francisco believes he can control what 's posted about him through the simple courtesy of asking friends to remove unflattering photos .
Similar urges ran through most of the high modernists , certainly through stein , joyce , and pound , and through the iconoclastic american poet and journalist robert carlton brown ( better known as bob ) , who , in the late 1920s , envisioned a reading machine designed to liberate words from the static confines of the page .
In the feminist revolution rather than extending to women " the same latitude and license and pressure-release valve that men had always enjoyed " we extended to men the confines women had always endured . " And it 's been a disaster for marriage . "
A great deal of work must be done by developers to ensure their apps can stream comfortably within these confines , while still delivering a consistent experience to consumers in an inherently inconsistent environment .