Some confidently predict that their businesses could grow by a factor of ten in the next ten years .
" It is the patented drugs that will be the real game changer , " he says confidently .
The best way to live is from a state of self-possession , to move confidently , expanding that wholeness .
I skipped over zero as we counted , but she confidently picked up the number and declared it an oval .
They can confidently say " no " to anything with which they don 't feel comfortable .
After taking allergy medicine , the two versions come together as one , clearly defined man and moving confidently down the center of the path .
The country now boasts legions of thriving small businesses and a fair number of world-class ones whose english-speaking bosses network confidently with the global elite .
A syrian businessman recounts that in a chance meeting with a senior security official at a posh gym he was told confidently that the current offensive would be decisive .