
n.自白者,为信教而被迫害的教徒( confessor的名词复数 )
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- More than this , the sharing of confession enthusiasms can create an orgiastic sense of " oneness , " of the most intense intimacy with fellow confessors and of the dissolution of self into the great flow of the movement .
- 不仅如此,互相分享坦白的热情可以造成一种狂欢放纵般的“彼此如一”的感觉,包含与一起坦白的同伴之间的最强烈的亲密感,和融入到运动的洪流中的自我瓦解。
- The fourteenth and fifteenth centuries produced a number of similar summoe for confessors ; all of them , however , discarded the arrangement in books and chapters , and adopted the alphabetical order .
- 第十四和第十五个世纪产生了类似的summoe坦白数目;所有这些,然而,放弃了在书本上和章节安排,并通过了字母顺序排列。
- Will the other confessors meet us there ?
- 其它忏悔者也在这里和我们会合吗?
- The number of innocent confessors jumps when various interrogation techniques are added to the mix .
- 当各种各样的审问技巧综合到一起时,无辜却认罪的人数会猛增。
- These words are taken from correspondence between teresa and her confessors and superiors over 66 years , which is being published as mother teresa : come be my light .
- 这些词句出现在66年前德肋撒嬷嬷与她的神父及院长的书信中,这些书信已经被编纂出版,题为《德肋撒嬷嬷:点燃心灯》。
- The " inward way " has nothing to do with confession , confessors , cases of conscience , theology , or philosophy .
- 而“向内的方式”已经没有任何关系供认,忏悔,良心,神学或哲学的案件。