
n.知己的女友( confidante的名词复数 )
confidantes 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- If you feel it 's appropriate , ask mentors or confidantes at work about the typical salary for others in your position and what the usual next step up the career ladder is , says mr. hopkinson .
- 霍普金森说,如果你觉得时机合适,可以向职业导师或是工作中的密友询问其他人在你这种职位普遍拿多少工资以及职业阶梯晋升的下一步通常是什么。
- Since we were no longer worried , we couldn 't help showing off our courage to our classmates , so we told some of our confidantes about our anti-japanese activity .
- 心放下了,我俩又忍不住想向同学们炫耀一下自己的勇敢,便把这次“抗日”行动,告诉了几个相好的同学。
- Cox - who graduated stanford in 2004 and joined facebook the following year - is one of ceo mark zuckerberg 's closest confidantes .
- 考克斯2004年毕业于斯坦福大学,次年加入facebook,是公司ceo马克扎克伯格的亲密战友之一。
- Many officials carried large amounts of cash across the border or disguised money transfers to relatives , mistresses and other confidantes abroad , while more sophisticated cadres relied on fake trade documents and overseas investments .
- 许多官员携带大量现金出境,或者以伪装方式向已在海外的亲戚、情妇和其他亲信汇款,而更为老谋深算的官员则依靠假冒的贸易文书和海外投资。
- Though kaplan ( right ) and smith , 49 , work in different fields , the two women became confidantes , and each has inspired the other professionally .
- 卡普兰与史密斯(49岁)两位女士在不同的领域发展事业,最终却结成了密友,在事业上相互鼓舞。
- His findings suggest that people have about five close confidantes at any one time . In order to make room for the new love interest , that circle shrinks .
- 调查结果显示人们通常有五个亲密的朋友,为了把更多空间留给恋人,密友圈的人数必然会减少。
- Donald kohn , the former vice chairman and one of mr. bernanke 's closest confidantes , retired last year .
- 前副主席科恩(donaldkohn)曾是他关系最近的心腹之一,已经在去年退休。
- Our friends are supposed to be our closest confidantes and support network . But for many of us , they can be more hindrance than help .
- 朋友本应是我们的亲密知己和支持者,但对于大多数人来说,有一些朋友比起帮助我们,更多的却是阻碍。
- On average , participants had 2.03 confidantes .
- 平均来看,参与者拥有2.03个知心好友。