
v.使有概念( conceptualize的过去式和过去分词 )
conceptualized 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- He argued that morality could be conceptualized as a series of principles based on human reason .
- 他争辩说道德可以被认作是基于人类理性的一系列准则。
- They conceptualized a bridge for the river seine made up of humungous floating trampolines .
- 他们为塞纳河构思出一座由巨大浮动蹦床组成的桥。
- Freud conceptualized the mind , metaphorically , as an ancient , buried ruin which had to been unearthed much like an archeologist would unearth the treasures of an ancient civilization .
- 弗洛伊德把人的心理比喻为古老的、被掩埋的废墟,这个废墟必须被挖掘出来,就像考古学家挖掘远古文明的珍宝一样。
- Just as corn and soy are the bread and butter of big ag , the persistence of small , traditionally conceptualized farms practicing time honored agricultural techniques is the sine qua non of the sustainable food movement .
- 玉米和大豆是养猪业的命脉,同样,那些采用老旧农业技术的小型、传统和概念型农场的存在,也是可持续食物运动的必要条件。
- Turns out , a lot of the things sonia zjawinski conceptualized in our " living in 2013 " feature way back in 2003 were remarkably close to what we 've seen .
- 事实上,这里面很多东西在索尼娅(soniazjawinski)于2003年作出的“生活在2013年”设想中出现过,而且和我们现在所见到的惊人的相似。
- Even more , some scholars have conceptualized it and call it the parochial and irrational nationalism .
- 更有学者将之概念化,称其为狭隘的和非理性的民族主义。
- Regardless of which paradigm is used , logistics knowledge is always conceptualized with the hard core of the discipline as a point of departure .
- 不管范例被使用,物流知识总是有概念与纪律的核心作为出发点。
- Humans seek the holy land , but the holy land is simply conceptualized and sunk as a rare resources , and always be unnaturally used to appear in the light of common people 's life .
- 人类追逐圣境,圣境逐渐简单概念化的沦为为稀缺资源,总在不自然间被利用显现在普通人的生活光芒之上。
- Abstract : based on the intensive literature review , brand image is conceptualized and a five - dimension measurement model is proposed : product performance , service performance , marketing performance , corporate image and brand personality .
- 摘要:在相关文献回顾的基础上,本文对品牌形象的概念进行了界定,并提出了品牌形象的五维度模型,它包括:产品表现、服务表现、市场表现、公司形象、品牌个性。