
competences 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Along with the thorough development of the economic globalization and the social informationization , the environment of corporation competition is becoming more and more complicated , unchangealbe strategy and rigid core competences can hardly adapt dynamic variety of environmental .
- 随着经济全球化和社会信息化的深入发展,企业竞争环境越来越复杂多变,一成不变的战略和刚性的核心能力很难适应环境的动态变化。
- Our core competences are in the fields of engineering and process technology .
- 我们的核心竞争力在机械工程和工艺加工领域。
- He did not revisit the idea of " core competences " in the light of the poor performance of some of the japanese godzillas he once worshipped , nor the idea of " stretch " in the wake of the epidemic of over-leveraging .
- 他既不因为曾经崇拜的日本大企业表现不佳而重新考虑“核心竞争力”理论,也没有随着过度杠杆借贷泛滥而修正“拓展”理念。
- If you have values , you are respected for the abilities and competences you are .
- 如果你有创造价值的能力,那你将因此而被人尊重。
- Innovative businesses will be created out of new and different combinations of these core competences .
- 这些技能产新的、不同的组合将会产生创新的业务。
- Marketing channels is an effective tool of competences , and it has become the key that enterprises compete .
- 营销渠道已成为当今企业的有效竞争工具,是企业竞争的焦点。
- An increase in non-formal and informal learning can be expected to enhance the demand for assessment and recognition of competences gained outside formal learning settings .
- 可以预计,不正规和非正式学习的增长将增加对在正规学习背景之外获得技能的评定与承认的需求。
- In the same logic , the absence of clear leadership and direction in the current crisis is not helped by having competences spread and divided between so many different bodies and individuals .
- 同样的道理,目前这种权力分散于多个不同组织和个人的局面,对于改善当前危机中缺乏清晰的领导力和方向的现状毫无助益。
- British officials say their review of eu competences will serve as much to highlight the benefits of eu membership as to identify the powers to be repatriated .
- 英国官员称他们对于欧盟权限的审查的目的是凸显欧盟成员的价值并指出需要再分配的权力。
- Employers will be looking for terms that relate to key competences and relevant technical and personal skills .
- 雇主会找那些与工作能力和技术及个人技能相关的关键性。