

v.强迫,使不得不( compel的过去式和过去分词 );引起反应
compelled 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- I feel compelled to write about procrastination as an existential issue .
- 我觉得不得不将拖延作为一个存在主义的问题来写。
- Increasingly , many pakistani women feel compelled to cover their faces or to stay at home .
- 越来越多的巴基斯坦女性因其不得不蒙着脸并待在家中而感到压迫。
- It is the stress of people compelled every day to deal with absurdity and nothingness .
- 这是那些被迫每天面对荒谬和虚无的人们所承受的压力。
- The kennedy family ethos compelled young ted to run for president , too .
- 肯尼迪家族的信念最终迫使年轻的泰德也去竞选总统。
- He outlined several factors that have compelled him to leave the country he once loved .
- 他列出来了他被迫离开他所爱的国家的几个因素。
- A sudden , irresistible desire for a cup of steaming hot tea compelled him to climb into the ring again .
- 一种突然的无法遏制的想和一杯热茶的欲望强迫他再一次爬出戒指。
- They will feel compelled to loosen further .
- 他们会觉必须进一步放松调控。
- For even as they decry the flaws and hypocrisies of western democracies , the world 's autocrats feel compelled to ape their practices .
- 因为即便独裁者们不断指责西方民主制度的缺陷和虚伪,但他们仍感到有必要模仿西方的做法。
- Redford was further compelled by the taut storytelling and artistic challenges .
- 雷德福还进一步受到了紧张的故事情节和艺术性挑战的驱使。
- One feels compelled to oblige a lady .
- 任何人都会觉得非对女士亲切不可。