
n.代表,物资供应所,委员( commissary的名词复数 )
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- I told general abrams to install honey in the commissaries .
- 我告诉艾布拉姆将军改供蜂蜜。
- Student commissaries were recommended by interesting clubs meeting , discussion by icmc committee members meeting , and decided by wpe center director meeting .
- 学生兴趣社团学生代表委员由兴趣社团会议推荐,并由委员会会议讨论提请全人教育主任会议决定。
- They are employed in restaurants , hotels , hospitals and other health care institutions , central food commissaries , clubs and similar establishments , and on ships .
- 他们受雇于餐厅、旅馆、医院和其它医疗保健机构、中央食品供应部、俱乐部和类似机构以及船舶。
- Critics say too often , at prisons across the country , convicted killers pass the time playing dominos and basketball , use well-stocked commissaries selling snacks and sodas , and enjoy state-of-the-art gyms , or time in the arts and crafts room .
- 评论家们也常说,在全国各地的监狱,杀人犯们通过玩骨牌和打篮球消磨他们的时间,他们买种类丰富的零食和饮料,享用设备先进的健身房,或者在工艺美术间里度过。