
n.专员( commissioner的名词复数 );长官;委员;政府部门的长官
commissioners 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Anti-corruption commissioners will start work soon . All planned laws will be assessed .
- 反腐专员不久将开展工作,所有计划中的法律也即将被评估。
- Instead , the commissioners could be chosen independently .
- 取而代之的是,选举委员会委员可自主选择。
- New police and crime commissioners to hold chief constables to account will be elected in november .
- 今年十一月,将要选举新的警察和犯罪专员来担任各郡的警察局长。
- Privacy campaigners welcomed the new dashboard , launched at a conference of data protection commissioners in madrid .
- 隐私权运动者对这个在马德里数据保护专员会议上新推出的dashboard工具表示欢迎。
- Mr barnier 's final governance reform plans will be unveiled this autumn once approved by fellow eu commissioners .
- 一旦获得其他欧盟专员的同意,巴尼耶将在今年秋季公布最终的公司治理改革计划。
- Governments could start by sending more credible commissioners than the many nonentities currently in office .
- 政府可以从派遣更可靠的委员而不是那些目前在办公室里碌碌无为的人做起。
- The september 22nd vote may be delayed as the commissioners try to work out their differences .
- 由于委员们试图解决他们的分歧,9月22日的投票可能会被推迟。
- All five sec commissioners yesterday approved the release of the proposals for public comment .
- 昨日,证交会的5位委员一致同意公布该提案,征求公众意见。
- After being subject to commissars in moscow , some east europeans are twitchy about commissioners in brussels .
- 在受制于莫斯科的委员后,一些东欧领导人在面对布鲁塞尔的委员时就有些纠结了。
- The exchanges are lobbying hard to persuade the 27 eu commissioners to ignore their staff and approve the deal .
- 两所交易所正尽力游说这27个欧盟委员对成员的意见不予理睬并通过这项计划。