comets 变化形式
易混淆的单词: COMETS
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- Which leads to the conclusion that the water probably came from comets .
- 因此,他们得出这样的结论:月球上的水可能来自彗星。
- So it 's possible that asteroids and comets delivered the ingredients for life billions of years ago .
- 因此有可能是小行星与彗星在几十亿年之前将生命物质带到了地球。
- Lulin , like all comets , isa clump of frozen gases mixed with dust .
- 鹿林彗星和其他彗星一样,是一堆冰气体和尘埃组成。
- The discovery backs up theories that water-rich comets helped fill ancient earth 's oceans .
- 这一发现支持了这一理论,即大量含水的彗星为最初地球海洋的形成助有一臂之力。
- Billions of asteroids and comets are whirling around the sun , and they have their own distinct traffic patterns .
- 几十亿颗小行星和彗星在围绕着太阳旋转,它们有着自己独特的穿行模式。
- But these deposits probably came from comets that slammed into the moon 's surface , said dr sharp .
- 但这些有可能是存在厚冰层的彗星撞到月球表面所遗留下来的,夏普博士说。
- 20 Recent evidence suggests that when the solar system formed 4.5 billion years ago , comets had liquid cores .
- 20最新证据表明,当太阳系在45亿年前形成时,彗星的核是液态的。
- So scientists speculated that our planet 's surface water came from comets that slammed into earth once the planet had cooled .
- 所以科学家们猜测地球表面的水,是在彗星撞向已经冷却了地地球时带来的。
- Shapiro doesn 't think it 's necessary to invoke multiple universes or life-laden comets crashing into ancient earth .
- 夏皮罗认为,没有必要援引多重宇宙或载有生命的彗星坠落到远古地球的事。
- This would suggest that the larger group of comets that helped form earth 's oceans originally came from the kuiper belt .
- 这一切表明,帮助地球形成海洋的彗星,相当大的一部分最初都起源于柯伊伯带。