

collins 变化形式
易混淆的单词: Collins

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- We 've stayed in touch , and mrs. collins has had a wonderful career .
- 我们一直保持着联系,而柯林斯小姐则有着极好的业绩。
- As mrs. collins cheered me on , I gained confidence and language skills .
- 在柯林斯小姐的不断鼓励下,我收获了信心,以及语言技能。
- Like mr gosse senior , mr collins is a scientist and a christian .
- 像老戈瑟一样,柯林斯既是一位科学家,也是一名基督教徒。
- Unless voters demand change , argues mr collins , they must share the blame for corruption .
- 柯林斯先生称,除非选民提出改革,否则官员腐败他们也有一定责任。
- Martell collins , 51 , does push-ups in the exercise yard at san quentin state prison .
- 在圣昆廷州立监狱的操场上51岁的柯林斯马特利做俯卧撑。
- Many of its rivals collins , chambers et al - have already launched free web versions .
- 它的许多对手都已经推出免费的网络版,如柯林斯,钱伯斯等等。
- But in her strong , gentle way , mrs. collins stood her ground .
- 但是柯林斯小姐却以她那坚定而又和善的方式坚持了自己的立场。
- I feel blessed that the universe brought mrs. collins and me together all those years ago .
- 对多年前这个世界让我和柯林斯小姐聚在一起这一事实,我感到我受到了上苍的保佑。
- The arrogance is claiming to be certain about truth claims of iron age philosophy , which someone like collins does .
- 自大就是声称自己确信铁器时代哲学的真实主张,是由像柯林斯这样的人提出的。
- The data was discovered as part of research for the publication of the next collins english dictionary in october this year .
- 这些数据被发现,作为对今年十月下一版柯林斯英语词典的出版进行的研究的一部分。