clu 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Ibm announced thursday that it is teaming up with burlington , mass . - Based nuance communications to integrate that company 's speech recognition and clinical language understanding ( clu ) technology with watson 's " deep question answering " natural language processing and machine learning capabilities .
- 本周四ibm宣布与burlingtonmass.-basednuancecommunications开展合作,将该公司的语言识别,与诊断语言解析的技术和watson的“深度问答”即自然语言处理和机器学习能力进行整合。
- You ready for the price clu ...... ?
- 准备好去价格俱乐部了吗?
- Our club is affiliated to a national organization of similar clu .
- 我们的俱乐部加入了同类俱乐部的全国组织。
- Clu seems more like an unfortunate botox victim than a dastardly despot .
- 棍更像一个不幸的肉毒杆菌比卑鄙的暴君的受害者。
- After the world cup , many top european football clu were trying to sign him .
- 世界杯结束后,许多欧洲顶级足球俱乐部都削尖脑袋想同他签约。