

cooperatively 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Several improvements in disk-use techniques involve the use of multiple disks working cooperatively .
- 磁盘使用技术中,有几种实现都包括了使用多个磁盘协同工作方式。
- Solving problems cooperatively is a better option than resorting to competition and conflict .
- 通过合作解决问题比起竞争和冲突当然是更好的选择。
- We want regulators to work cooperatively but not be captured by those they monitor .
- 我们希望监管者互相合作但是又不会被上司逮个正着。
- Bp 's mr. gowers said bp has ' worked cooperatively with osha ' to resolve problems at the refinery .
- 英国石油公司的高尔斯说,该公司以合作的态度与osha一起解决炼油厂存在的问题。
- While you invariably say cooperatively that you want to live your own life , have your own friends and go you own way .
- 你却爱配合地说,你要过自己的生活,有自己的交友圈,走自己的路。
- Community governance refers to the process in which community stakeholders cooperatively govern the public affairs .
- 构建社区利益相关者的治理网络,有助于推动社区治理与社区和谐。
- Cooperative way to transfer the clinical official written reply , or develop cooperatively , etc.
- 合作方式临床批件转让,合作开发等。
- But it 's quite another to persuade employees who might not see the changes ahead to line up and work cooperatively to take the company in that new direction .
- 而说服那些没有看到未来变化的员工,让他们齐心协力把企业带向那个新的方向,却完全是另一码事。
- Yet for a small annual investment of world income , undertaken cooperatively across the world , our generation can harness new technologies for clean energy , reliable food supplies , disease control and the end of extreme poverty .
- 每年从世界收入中拨取一小部分用做全球合作基金,我们这一代已经可以用新技术净化能源、提供可靠食物、控制疾病及消除赤贫。
- The online connected experience allows players to take on mission objectives solo or have friends jump in and out cooperatively at any time .
- 这款游戏既允许玩家单独游戏,也允许玩家的朋友在任何时间登入、登出与玩家并肩作战。