At first glance hers was much like many of the other parent-and-baby classes we 've attended , where we 're encouraged to sing songs , clap hands , listen to stories and gossip .
The two teachers give the children multiple cues when it 's time to clean up : lights flash , a bell rings and the children clap and count to 100 .
These included things like : " say ' I am filthy ' five times " and " bark like a dog three times " . The other five were not considered particularly demeaning . They included : " tell the experimenter a funny joke " and " clap your hands 50 times " .
Lindsay mansfield 's son , travis , made little to no eye contact when he was diagnosed with autism in the first grade . Loud sounds frightened him . He would clap his hands and rock or jump up and down in crowded places .
A few clap openly , while others smile self-consciously .
The audience feels it : they clap , they cheer , they cry .
As far as I can tell , tom hasn 't deliberately mastered a sign for any particular object yet , but he does point incessantly , wave goodbye and clap when excited .