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- Financial linkages are less important in cis countries and in the middle east and north africa , but a deeper euro-area recession will batter export industries there , too .
- 在独联体国家、中东和北非,金融上的联系不那么重要,但欧元区更为严重的衰退也会沉重打击到出口国家。
- The studies that do exist tend to focus on cis gendered heterosexual couples .
- 现存的研究更多的关注的是单性别的异性夫妇。
- Up to now , ufa has been the residence of the spiritual leader of all muslims of russia and cis countries .
- 时至今日,乌法一直作为俄罗斯以及独联体国家所有穆斯林的精神领袖的所在地。
- Fair founder of the early invitation to the businessmen and merchants will be based in hong kong , macao , southeast asia-based , after expanding into the european union , the united states and canada , japan , oceania , the middle east , cis , africa , latin america and other countries and regions .
- 广交会创办初期,邀请客商和到会客商均以香港、澳门、东南亚为主,后逐渐扩展到欧盟、美加、日本、大洋洲、中东、独联体、非洲、拉美等国家和地区。
- In fact , rather than generating surpluses , the current risks are that the economies of many oil exporters in the cis , africa and even some in the gcc could contract in 2009 , given the weaker hydrocarbon and non-hydrocarbon sector outlook .
- 实际上,考虑到烃类和非烃类行业暗淡的前景,目前的危险是独联体、非洲甚至海湾的许多产油国在2009年都可能面临收缩,而不是盈余。
- This week a poll from the state-run centre for sociological investigation ( cis ) indicated that mr rubalcaba had begun to eat into mr rajoy 's lead , cutting it from ten percentage points to seven .
- 本周来自国营社会调查中心的一项民意调查显示,卢巴卡巴已经开始蚕食拉霍伊的领先优势,使其由十个百分点降为七个。
- The eff , cdt , and stanford 's cis all reliably line up on the tech sector side in scrimmages with copyright holders .
- 在科技领域的版权问题上,电子前沿基金会、民主与科技中心和斯坦福大学的互联网与社会中心等组织都站在同一阵线上,与版权持有人展开混战。
- Similarly , the center for internet and society at stanford ( cis ) , which received $ 500,000 from the google buzz award , had collected $ 400,000 in voluntary contributions from google the year before ( which amounted to 51 % of cis 's total revenue that year ) .
- 与此类似,斯坦福大学(StanfordUniversity)互联网与社会中心(theCenterforInternetandSociety,CIS)也从GoogleBuzz一案中获得了50万美元的近似罚金,前年还从谷歌那里获得了40万美元的自愿捐赠(相当于当年CIS总收入的51%)。
- This year cis will collect $ 600,000 from facebook 's sponsored stories settlement , if approved .
- 今年Facebook一案如果获批,CIS也将获得60万美元的近似罚金。
- ( The eff , cdt , and cis all reject that characterization of their relationship to google .
- (EFF、CDT和CIS都否认他们与谷歌是这种关系。