

channeling 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- She also gave us a channeling , which was read and circulated to everybody .
- 她也给予我们一次通灵,给每个人阅读和传播。
- Cloverleaf 's tapes have been informally recorded during group channeling sessions or workshops .
- 立体式互联磁带已经非正式地录制了团体通灵会议和工场期间对话。
- I have ways of channeling the heartbreak .
- 我有许多种方法来纾解自己心碎的感受。
- All ranks of this spell will have a6 second channeling duration .
- 此法术所有等级都将成为持续6秒的通道法术。
- I was channeling my nerves in a positive way .
- 我是用积极的方法疏导压力。
- The principal disadvantages are the long run-in time required for proper channeling .
- 主要的缺点是,为了得到合适的油路,需要很长的磨合时间。
- The channeling led to periodic flooding that deposited sediment over broad areas , building up rich soil .
- 有了河道,河水就会定期泛滥,卷带着泥沙形成肥沃的土壤。
- Back in 2009 , channeling the economic stimulus through local governments and bank loans looked like a smart option .
- 2009年,通过地方政府和银行贷款将经济刺激资金投放出去,当时看似明智的选择。
- " If you want my opinion , I will tell you my opinion , " she said . " I am not going to be channeling my husband . "
- "如果你想知道我的看法,我可以告诉你,"她说."但是我不是来给我丈夫开道的"
- Such information includes clairvoyance , telepathy , and modalities of channeling soul through form .
- 这类信息包括透视力、心灵感应及透过身体与灵魂通讯的特征。