We watch the women doing road work , busting up rocks under the sweltering sun , swinging sledgehammers , barefoot , looking so strangely beautiful in their jewel-colored saris and their necklaces and bracelets .
When the shop opened in 1957 , melwani was an 11-year-old schoolboy who , when not helping his father in the shop , would catch up on his homework in the sweltering back office .
On a sweltering afternoon , shoppers at the king of prussia mall in pennsylvania 's 7th congressional district mostly avoid the high-end boutiques , choosing instead to pack their trolleys with electric fans , barbecue food and soft drinks .
If anything could make tokyo electric power ( tepco ) , the disaster-stricken utility , more unpopular , it is the prospect of a sweltering summer without enough electricity to keep the air-conditioners running .
He is about to start planting soya beans first developed by the brazilian agricultural-research institution , embrapa , that are suited to the sweltering climate ( soyabeans were originally a temperate plant and did not grow well in the tropics ) .
The tragic absurdity of the war comes alive in the detail . A bunch of armed men calling themselves " knights " and " guards " downed chacha ( moonshine ) while they waited in the sweltering heat for a pilot to fly them and their tethered lamb to abkhazia .