changi 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- 2 Take home orchid gift boxes and bouquets , or lovely plants from the changi airport florists .
- 2樟宜机场花店里出售各种胡姬花礼品盒和花束,还有可爱的植物。
- After a quarter of a century at singapore 's changi exhibition centre , asian aerospace-the world 's third biggest air show-will move to hong kong from next year .
- 在新加坡樟宜会展中心展出长达四分之一世纪后,世界第三大的亚洲国际航空展览从明年起将落户于香港。
- At changi airport and officials encourage tourists not to add to the 10 % service charge that many high-end hotels tack on to the bill .
- 在樟宜国际机场,这种行为基本上是违法的。官员们鼓励游客拒绝支付一些高级饭店附加在账单上的10%的服务费。
- Have attempted to hijack the plane crashed into the arrest of terrorists in singapore changi airport .
- 曾企图劫持飞机撞向樟宜机场新加坡恐怖分子落网。
- It 's basically outlawed at changi airport and officials encourage tourists not to add to the 10 % service charge that many high-end hotels tack on to the bill .
- 在樟宜国际机场,这种行为基本上是违法的。官员们鼓励游客拒绝支付一些高级饭店附加在帐单上的10%的服务费。
- The pilot then decided to return and unload most of the fuel , the plane eventually landed safely in singapore changi airport .
- 飞机驾驶员随后决定返航并卸载了大部分油料,飞机最终安全降落新加坡樟宜机场。
- But changi international airport is one of the best in the world and the most efficient .
- 但樟宜国际机场是世界上最好的和最有效的之一。
- The first scheduled service is due to take off next sunday from singapore 's changi airport .
- 计划中的首次飞行服务定于周日从新加坡的樟宜机场起飞。
- Changi airport passengers terminal building ( ptb ) 2 bus terminal .
- 樟宜机场搭客大厦2巴士终站。
- Changi airport 's free singapore tour features a new night excursion that grants transit passengers views of the helix bridge and marina bay sands .
- 樟宜机场的新加坡免费游推出新的夜游项目,带领中转旅客参观螺旋桥和滨海湾沙滩。