

unification 记忆方法
un uni unification联合n.
uni 单一,一个 + fic 做 + ation 行为,过程,状态,结果 → 联合
unification 变化形式
复数: unifications

unification 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Their unification is proof of the success of adhering to the four principles .
- 他们的统一是遵守这四项原则取得成功的例证。
- Both leaders advocated unification , by force if necessary .
- 双方领导人都主张南北朝鲜统一,必要的时候不惜付诸武力。
- This week both the defence minister and the minister for unification offered to resign .
- 本周,韩国国防部长和统一部长官都提出了辞职。
- Today , germany is more assertive and unification is history .
- 如今,德国更加自信了,东西德统一也早已完成。
- Think about germany after unification as it overtook britain as europe 's largest economy .
- 想想统一后的德国吧,它取代了英国成为欧洲最大的经济体。
- Indeed , that 's what germany did to overcome the costs of unification .
- 实际上,德国就是靠这一点克服了为统一而付出的成本。
- Quite soon after 1861 both northerners and southerners were questioning the wisdom of unification .
- 1861年刚过不久,南北双方都开始质疑统一的明智与否。
- Bop ta raises funds through a buddhist charity , registered with south korea 's unification ministry .
- bopta通过在韩国统一部登记的一个佛教慈善机构募集经费。
- But the president-elect repeated that he would not discuss unification with china .
- 但是,这位当选总统再次表示,不会与大陆讨论统一问题。
- But the country is overdue another reawakening like the one that led to unification 150 years ago .
- 但这个国家迟早会有一次如同150年前国家统一那般的再次觉醒。