

chan 变化形式
易混淆的单词: ChanCHAN
chan 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Chan 's war has arrived with a vengeance .
- 陈所要面临的战争气势咄咄逼人。
- Chan has been trying to change that .
- 老陈一直在为改变它的命运而努力。
- Tailpipe spotters like mr. chan turn in thousands of smoking vehicles a year .
- 像chan这样的检举员每年举报出数千辆冒黑烟的车辆。
- The look and feel is designed by christopher chan with inspiration and support from josh williams .
- 界面和外观是由christopherchan设计,joshwilliams为他提供了灵感和支持。
- For instance wesley chan a top product manager fundamentally disagrees with page 's ideas on product design .
- 譬如说,顶级产品经理卫斯理陈根本不同意佩奇有关产品设计的观点。
- Mr. chan 's team has since tried to replace her with a different handwriting expert .
- 陈振聪一方之后一直试图用另外一位笔迹专家换掉她。
- Mr. chan and other officials are eager to promote offshore yuan trading as a long-term driver of growth in this financial center .
- 陈德霖和其他香港官员都热切希望将推动离岸人民币交易作为促进香港这一金融中心发展的长期动力。
- Luoyang city chan river forest green cleaning agent factory .
- 洛阳市廛河绿森林清洗剂厂。
- Ms chan did not participate in that documentary .
- 陈嘉韵并未参与那部纪录片的制作。
- Mr. chan shi is carving the seals .
- 禅石先生在篆刻。