

Yang 变化形式
易混淆的单词: yang
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- Then over time , your bond becomes symbiotic , like yin and yang .
- 随着时间的流逝,你们将变得和谐共生,就像阴和阳。
- Three things are noteworthy about the fallout from mr yang 's rants .
- 杨先生激烈言论的后果由三件事值得引起关注。
- Family members say that was mr. yang 's last encounter with a mental health professional .
- 家里人说,这是杨最后一次看精神卫生专业人士。
- Mr yang says the assembly will meet again later this year or early next to have another go .
- 杨先生说村委会在今年晚些时候或者明年初会重新召开进行另一次投票。
- Mr. yang , though not from chinatown , worked there for years .
- 杨先生,尽管家乡并不是唐人街,却在那里工作了多年。
- Mr. yang countered that he was strained by the soaring cotton prices .
- 而杨铁锋则强调,他正受着飞涨的棉花价格的困扰。
- Issues , as revealed with yang and his watches , often involving government conduct and corruption .
- 问题是,揭露了杨和他的手表,往往涉及到政府行为和腐败。
- Yang spent about 21 hours in space and orbited the planet 14 times before his return descent .
- 杨在太空中度过了大约21个小时,在他回到地球之前绕地球飞行了14周。
- To save money , ms. yang , her husband and son recently moved in with her parents .
- 为了省钱,最近杨小姐和丈夫孩子一起搬到她父母的家里去住。
- And he looks even older than yang yilin , the other medal winner in question .
- 而且杨伊琳看上去比另一个争论中的金牌得主杨怡林还要大。