

ceased 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- The obama administration has largely ceased the eradication of opium crops a practice that angers local farmers .
- 奥巴马政府已基本停止了根除鸦片种植的做法这种做法令当地农民颇为愤慨。
- That is what would happen if today 's contained depression ceased to be contained .
- 假如当前受到压制的萧条不再受到压制,就会发生上述情况。
- Few chinese internet watchers thought it was a coincidence when the negative coverage ceased .
- 一些互联网批评人士认为这和负面报道停止的时间非常巧合。
- Since protests during israel 's war on gaza a year ago , demonstrations have all but ceased .
- 因为在以色列对加沙战争一年前的抗议,示威活动几乎完全停止。
- And I suddenly realized the melody that had been spinning in my head like a broken record had finally ceased .
- 我突然意识到在脑海里环绕的那首旋律像坏了的唱片终于停下来了。
- The original site ceased serving pages several years before today 's search engines came into being .
- 今天的搜索引擎开始存在的几年前,原始网站终止提供网页。
- The underlying strategic rivalry has not ceased .
- 潜在的战略对峙并没有结束。
- Measured returns for the sector were boosted by survivor bias : failed funds ceased to be counted in the indices .
- 受幸存者偏见的影响,人们估算出的这个行业的收益数据被夸大了:亏损的基金不被记入指数内。
- When they are gone you may still exist , but you have ceased to live .
- 当幻想没有了以后,你还可以生存,但是你虽生犹死。
- All worldly distinctions have ceased .
- 一切世俗的分歧都消失了。