To cater for the aversion to red meat , and a new-found need for omega-3 fatty acids , fish dishes are on every menu , even in steak houses .
The theory suggests that as people become better informed thanks to the web , the businesses that cater most to their desires will thrive .
Indian governments generally resist reform , prevaricate over investing in infrastructure and - sentimental as they are about a non-existent ideal of rural indian life - refuse to cater for the tens of millions of rural migrants flooding into the cities .
But that discrepancy is expected to widen as traditional television sets are replaced with tvs that can download video direct from the internet , and more entertainment websites spring up to cater for this burgeoning " over-the-top " demand .
Physics has also seen a decline in applicants in recent years , and no one is claiming that it 's dying and needs to cater more to teaching people to be second-rate engineers , rather than first-rate scientists .
On the other hand , if you try too hard to please her and cater her with the tiniest details like tying her untied shoe laces or putting on her seatbelt will actually scare her away .
In his 1957 book , " an economic theory of democracy , " anthony downs argued that candidates , in their darwinian struggle to get elected in a two-party system , would cater , inevitably , to what downs called " the median voter . "