With each search , the community carves out a faster , more efficient pathway to desired information and products , no different than the trail of pheromones leading to food sources .
In fact , of course , one of the great values of the sabbath-whether jewish or christian-is precisely that it carves out a family oasis , with rituals and a mandatory setting-aside of work .
The election elevates a relatively unknown bureaucrat to the helm of latin america 's biggest country , as it carves out a bigger role in the global economy .
At the end of the line is shao ying , who carves the apple logo .
The deeper that sorrow carves into your being the more joy you can contain .
Thankfully , section 230 carves out broad protection for bloggers with only two exceptions .
He explains how he begins with a mould of the subject 's face or body and then carves exquisite , lifelike details to create the finished chocolate portrait .