

capricornus 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Horoscope book says that capricornus this year is playing a consultant role , and I do feel that way sometimes .
- 星座书说摩羯座今年会变感情咨询师,有时候和各种各样的人聊起这里的生活的时候,有时还真有这种错觉。
- These shining beauties appear low in your southeastern sky at dusk and nightfall , in front of the constellation capricornus the seagoat .
- 这些闪亮美丽的星星在傍晚时分出现在东南方的天空中,就在摩羯座的前面。
- The moon will shine in front of capricornus for only a few days this month . It will pass onward to other constellations soon .
- 月亮只会在这个月的个别天里挡住摩羯座,它会很快移到其它星座前面。
- Capricornus the sea goat , in astronomy , an inconspicuous zodiacal constellation in the southern sky lying between aquarius and sagittarius .
- 海山羊,在天文学中,一个不显眼的黄道带星座在南方的天空之间,射手的水瓶座。