

v.听到,听见( hear的第三人称单数 );听说;得知;听取

hears 变化形式

易混淆的单词: HEARS

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Lockwood departs but , before he leaves , he hears that hareton and cathy plan to marry on new year 's day .
What makes this interesting , of course , is that one hears petraeus 's name mentioned as a possible gop presidential candidate in 2012 .
When the prophet hears about it , though , he says that he can help . He asserts that naaman will be cured if he will come to israel and bathe in the holy waters of the jordan river .
Orzechowicz says just about anyone living on $ 50 000 a year can enjoy a middle-class existence in his neighborhood which is why he says he 's puzzled when he hears that it 's getting harder to maintain that lifestyle in america .
Sometimes one hears of stolen people acting as good genii to the living , as in this tale , heard also close by the haunted pond , of john kirwan of castle hacket .
One hears such " reasoning " as " much more research must be done before we can say that reading causes myopia " or " wearing glasses is just a minor inconvenience . " If you do not educate yourself , you can be a victim of this attitude .
Speaking of which , wofford says that , in sessions with clients , she often hears that " work is difficult and demanding enough without also having to put all this effort into figuring out how to get along with people .
He is flabbergast when he hears that his friend has been accused of murder .
It is he who observes at the end that the dude abides and says he hears there is a little lebowski on the way .
When the average person hears the term " asset-backed securities " he may well think of some of the crazier structures built on the rickety base of subprime mortgages .