Both in muslim countries , and in the muslim diaspora , sporting a bushy beard-often with the upper lip shaven-has become a symbol of piety .
The shaggy manes and bushy moustaches of soccer days past have been replaced by bleached beards , " city boy " crops and headbands at the world cup in south africa .
Height , weight , stature are almost exactly standardized , as are the red garments , the hood and the white whiskers . The pack full of toys , ruddy cheeks and nose , bushy eyebrows and a jolly , paunchy effect are also inevitable parts of the requisite make-up .
Admittedly , the military fatigues , peaked cap and bushy beard that castro wore for most of his political career aren 't to every one 's tastes ( nor are the leisure suits he wears in retirement ) but according to venezuelan leader hugo chavez , these are enough to make him a style icon .
Undesirable traits , from weak hearts to weak eyes to weak hips , are passed down the line along with the bushy tails and bright eyes .
It seems obscure , but it 's just another day at work for our favorite team , who make their determinations from the hair remaining from the victim 's bushy beard .