
n.播送设备( broadcaster的名词复数 );广播员;撒播物;广播公司
broadcasters 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Should we create new rights for broadcasters and database owners ?
- 我们是否应该为广播公司和数据库所有者设立新的权利?
- And a government can starve public broadcasters of money , too-as the bbc is painfully learning .
- 政府也可以使公共电视台陷入资金匮乏正如bbc的惨痛教训一样。
- Of the six american taxpayer-financed broadcasters that measure their reach , five see a decline .
- 6家美国国有电视台统计了自己的受众,其中5家出现了衰退。
- Advertising wobbled during the recession , shaking the free-to-air broadcasters that depend on it .
- 广告收入在经济衰退中摇摆不定,撼动了依靠广告存活的免费电视台。
- The international broadcasters should remember that one aim is to make themselves redundant .
- 国际广播机构应该记住这个目的是为了使自己变成多余。
- Television broadcasters cannot prove how many people watch their shows .
- 电视广播公司不能证明有多少人看了他们的节目。
- However , provincial broadcasters have gained de facto control of rivals through content production and programming agreements .
- 不过,通过内容制作和编排协议,各省台已获得了对竞争对手内容的实际控制权。
- And even if other record labels ink similar deals with clear channel and other terrestrial broadcasters , that wouldn 't address the concerns of independent artists .
- 而且即使其他的唱片公司也这样与clear电台以及其他无线电台进行类似的合作,这也不会关系到独立艺术家的利益。
- As international broadcasters turn to popular music and soap operas to retain their audiences , such gripes will grow louder .
- 当国际媒体转而用流行音乐及肥皂剧试图留住观众时,这样的抱怨会越来越多。
- To sustain the share values of the commercial broadcasters , ofcom is prepared to sacrifice the physical and psychological well-being of our children .
- 为了维持商业性传播公司的股票价格,ofcom不惜牺牲我们孩子的身心福祉。