
n.养家糊口的人( breadwinner的名词复数 )
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- Nearly a third of women are the main breadwinners in their household , according to a major survey .
- 一项大型调查显示,英国近三分之一的女性是家中的主要经济支柱。
- If most breadwinners donate a day 's pay to the hope project , then it may be successful .
- 如果大多数养家的人都为希望工程捐赠他的一天所得,则希望工程大有希望。
- Nowadays , in many american families , both the husband and wife are breadwinners .
- 如今,在美国许多家庭中,夫妇双方都挣钱养家。
- Males are expected to be breadwinners while females rear a family 's only child .
- 男人要养家糊口,而女人在家中抚养他们唯一的孩子。
- And experts say women will often become the main breadwinners , with more men staying at home to look after children .
- 专家称女性将更多地成为家庭的主要经济支柱,同时会有更多男性待在家中照看小孩。
- Research conducted by the commission suggests that families no longer have firm preconceptions about men as breadwinners and women as carers , but notes that legislation is lagging behind this shift .
- 该委员进行的研究表明,现在的家庭不再有男性挣钱养家糊口和女性照顾家庭子女的成见,但需要提醒的是,立法总是滞后于社会的变化。
- Especially hard hit are the tens of thousands of small-business owners , known as ti machann , who sell everything from heating oil to school uniforms from their homes and are often the sole breadwinners for their families .
- 受到更严厉冲击的是那些数以万计的小商小贩们,他们出售各种各样的商品,从燃料油到学生校服,而且他们的收入通常是整个家庭的唯一经济支柱。
- One might imagine that this gap arises simply because two breadwinners earn more than one .
- 有人可能觉得这种鸿沟的形成仅仅是因为两个人挣钱比一个人挣得多。
- Female breadwinners are on the rise : haveyour relationships been affected
- 负担家计的女性人数不断增加:这是否影响到你的家庭关系?
- Respondents were all among the top 20 % of earners in their respective markets and 80 % of them were the main or equal share breadwinners .
- 问卷调查的对象都是在他们各自的市场中位居前20%的赚钱一族,他们中的80%在家庭里都是主要的或平等分担的收入来源。