
n.粗鲁的人,暴发户( bounder的名词复数 )
bounders 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- And the bounders who pretended they did , and started working the sex game , they were worse than ever . It was just dismal , and one had to put up with it .
- 而那些坏蛋们,假装着他们需要女人,而发动那性的把戏,这种人比一切更坏。多么悲惨呵!可是一个人不得不忍痛迁就。
- Craig beattie-audio designer : " coming up with the ideas for making the dynamic audio work , and seeing it in game . Pushing the bounders of music and audio . "
- 音效设计师:“提出制作动态音效的注意,还有在游戏中看到它实际工作。加入那些粗鲁的音乐和音效。”