boomer 变化形式
易混淆的单词: Boomer
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- The boomer age of narcissism is over , but look at the bright side : I 've never met a buddhist who wasn 't completely tranquil and ...... happy .
- 婴儿潮一代的自恋期现已结束,但还是让我们想想好的方面吧:我遇见过的佛教徒都是既平静又快乐的。
- Boomer . Did you love her ?
- 布玛儿你爱她吗?
- That you might be a cylon and not even know it , just like boomer , right ?
- 害怕自己可能是赛昂人但却像布玛儿一样浑然不觉是吧?
- In " flight of the phoenix " , boomer was said to have flown how many missions in the same raptor ?
- 在“凤凰飞翔”中,布玛儿在那架猛禽机中飞了多少次任务?
- Rescued boomer from a shelter . I never dreamed he would end up rescuing me .
- 自我把布默从庇护所救回来以后,我就知道他永远不会放弃救我。
- Meanwhile , the boomer era has seen falling levels of public investment in america .
- 同时,婴儿潮时代已经让美国的公共投资水平出现下降。
- I need an answer , boomer !
- 我需要坐标侦查员!
- Boomer , do you copy ?
- boomer你收到了吗?
- So you weren 't even gonna say goodbye , boomer ?
- 那么你不是要和我们告别吧,新移民?
- Hey , what do you think of the boomer now , eh , sarah ?
- 嗨,萨拉,你觉得新移民怎么了?