

n.可怕(或可憎)的人或物,妖怪,精灵( bogeyman的名词复数 )

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Small children are right to fear the night but it is shift - worker , not bogeymen , they shall be worried about .
I find zero evidence to support that and there is a danger that we calculate too much and turn the islamist bogeymen into something that becomes real impediment to democracy and becomes an excuse for a government 's brutality towards its own people .
In our dismal current political climate , republicans and democrats are doing whatever they can to get elected , and they 're proving all too willing to use bogeymen and push voodoo economics if they feel they need to .
It seems to me the opponents are trying to find bogeymen in the bill where none currently exists , " says roger salazar , who 's heading a microsoft-backed coalition supporting the measure . "
You should never threaten her with bogeymen .
Yet public fears about polish plumbers and other bogeymen are real enough .
The global bogeymen of deleveraging and frozen credit markets are more fearsome in south korea than most of asia .
For those disposed to be concerned about the impact on their national economies of global flows of capital , swfs are the new bogeymen .