


blears 变化形式

易混淆的单词: Blears

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And yesterday , perhaps believing she was acting in his best interests , hazel blears advised the prime minister to get out and have a " bit of fun " .
A fault-line exists within and between government departments : jack straw , the justice minister , backs the status quo ; jacqui smith and hazel blears , the home secretary and communities secretary respectively , want to deal with a new cast of characters .
Earlier , brown promised that labour 's national executive would deselect mps who had broken the rules of parliament , describing the expenses claims of his communities secretary , hazel blears , and the labour mp for luton south , margaret moran , as " completely unacceptable " his harshest condemnation yet .
Ms blears said she had complied with the law .
On wednesday , the labour mp hazel blears won a vote to bring forward a bill to outlaw the advertisement of unpaid internships .
Ms blears and mr byrne will both call for stronger borders , through a single border force , but also restate efforts to make immigrants learn english and become better " citizens " .
Ms blears recently suspended relations with the muslim council of britain , the biggest of the islamic community groups , after a senior figure allegedly endorsed violence against foreign ships preventing arms from entering gaza .