

blasphemous 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Christians who have read a blasphemous story about jesus express a desire to go to church more frequently .
- 基督徒在读了亵渎耶稣的故事后会有更频繁地去教堂的渴望。
- And down there on wall street there are pagans who are worshipping blasphemous idols .
- 而在华尔街那里的才是崇拜渎神偶像的异教徒。
- Nietzsche rejected god 's law and wrote some overtly blasphemous things .
- 尼采拒绝上帝的律法,并且写了一些渎神的作品。
- It comes after pakistan invoked a similar ban over " blasphemous content " .
- 前不久,巴基斯坦曾因“渎神内容”进行了相似的处理方式。
- During the first century , saul saw the signs of a blasphemous jewish sect .
- 在第一世纪的时候,扫罗看到了亵渎宗教耶稣的迹象。
- To me this is the most blasphemous act of all .
- 对我来说这是最亵行为.
- Some religious people find it blasphemous .
- 一些教徒认为这是对上帝的亵渎。
- This is a blasphemous movie .
- 这是一套亵渎神灵的电影。
- In a wonderfully blasphemous way !
- 在一个奇妙的亵渎方式!
- The whole city is blasphemous .
- 这整个城市都亵渎了神明。