

v.(用斧)砍( axe的现在分词 );精简(机构等);大量削减(经费等)

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Following instructions to slash costs in my department , I recently put out a memo detailing cuts , which include axing free biscuits and coffee at weekly bonding sessions .
Mrs clinton promised to find savings by curbing tax-breaks for rich businesses and axing 1 00000 unnecessary consultants , though she wisely refrained from naming any potential victims besides halliburton .
A large number of manufacturing companies , particularly in the motor industry , have introduced short-time working and extended shutdowns over the christmas holiday in a bid to cut costs without axing permanent employees .
Whereas axing the canteen subsidies could have little impact on employee health and is , therefore , the safer route to saving money .
Axing gym membership will arguably lead to a decrease in productivity as employees lose the health benefits of exercise and suffer more with bad backs and stress .
Third , the axing of teacher training in universities will massively impinge on the quality of new entrants into the profession .
The problemfollowing instructions to slash costs in my department , I recently put out a memo detailing cuts , which include axing free biscuits and coffee at weekly bonding sessions .